Save money by buying Catholic Tags as a bundle!!!
Catholic tags are a great way to reward your student for positive behavior in the classroom. I designed these to use with my after school religious education class. It not only helps me with positive reinforcement for good behavior, but it also helped me toss my treasure box. I use these not only for behavior but also after we've learned different Bible stories, Catholic concepts and virtues to help remind them of what we've learned. These could be used in a Catholic school, after school religious education program, Christian school, Sunday School or even Vacation Bible School.
This bundle includes 7 different sets of tags. You can find out more and see more previews of each product by clicking the links below:
Tags are about 1 1/2" x 2" and come in color and in black and white.
It also includes a FREE BONUS of editable name tags to use as the first tag on your students' necklaces or keychains. Grab this bundle and brag on those students of yours! Let them shine with what they've learned and how they've behaved.
The following tags are included in this bundle:
- Angel of God
- Glory Be
- Sign of the Cross
- Hail Mary
- Our Father
- Blessing Before Meals
- The Nicene Creed
- The Apostles' Creed
- Hail Holy Queen
- Act of Contrition
- I Can Pray the Rosary
- I know all my prayers
- Queen of Heaven
- The Morning Offering
- The Gloria
- The Rosary
- The Joyful Mysteries
- The Luminous Mysteries
- The Sorrowful Mysteries
- The Glorious Mysteries
- Eucharistic Adoration
- St. Michael
- Prayer After Meals
- Memorare
- Litany of the Saints
- Lectio Divina
- Stations of the Cross
- Blank Editable Tag
- Tags for each month of the calendar year
Religious Classroom
- Prayer Bear
- Best Church Behavior
- Best Mass Behavior
- Prayer Share
- I'm A Good Friend
- I showed patience
- I showed kindness
- Amazing Adoration
- Altar Server
- Being the Body of Christ
- Prayer Leader
- Amazing Bible Reader
- Scripture Scholar
- Impeccable Uniform
- Outstanding Chapel Behavior
- Saintly Behavior
- Prayer Leader
- Jesus Others Yourself
- Team Jesus
- I'm in the Lord's Army
- I have a servant's heart
- Servant Leader
Behavior Tags
- Amazing Answer
- Super Helper
- Star Listener
- Superb Manners
- Great Choices
- Direction Follower
- Above and Beyond
- Clean Up Crew
Theological Virtues
- Faith
- Hope
- Charity
Cardinal Virtues
- Prudence
- Justice
- Fortitude
- Temperance
Gifts of the Holy Spirit
- Understanding
- Knowledge
- Wisdom
- Fear of the Lord
- Counsel
- Piety
- Fortitude
Fruits of the Holy Spirit
- Charity
- Joy
- Peace
- Patience
- Kindness
- Goodness
- Generosity
- Gentleness
- Faithfulness
- Modesty
- Self-Control
- Chastity
I showed
- Compassion
- Consideration
- Cooperation
- Courage
- Generosity
- Honesty
- Perseverance
- Respect
- Responsibility
Bible Lessons/Concepts/Vocabulary
- Holy Spirit
- Liturgical Year
- The Bible
- Believe
- The Good Samaritan
- Saints
- Holy Communion
- Thankfulness
- Advent
- The Holy Family
- Christmas
- Apostles
- Kindness
- Easter
- Pentecost
- Matthew/Mark/Luke/John
- Baptism
- Kingdom of God
- Christians
- Mary
- Creation Story
- The Great Commandment
- The 10 Commandments
- Lent
- Peace
- Prayer
- Miracle
- Holy Week
- Ascension
- Heaven
- Adam & Eve
- Noah's Ark
- 3 Wise Men
- Pope
- Good Friday
- Queen of Heaven
- St. Agnes of Rome
- St. Albert the Great
- St. Aloysius Gonzaga
- St. Alphonsus
- St. Ambrose
- St. Andrew
- St. Anne
- St. Anthony of Padua
- St. Augustine of Canterbury
- St. Barbara
- St. Basil
- St. Benedict
- St. Benjamin
- St. Bernadette
- St. Brigid of Ireland
- St. Catherine Laboure
- St. Catherine of Siena
- St. Cecilia
- St. Clare
- St. Damien
- St. Dominic
- St. Dominic Savio
- St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
- St. Elizabeth of Hungary
- St. Faustina Kowalska
- St. Frances Cabrini
- St. Francis De Sales
- St. Francis of Assisi
- St. Francis Xavier
- St. Gemma Galgani
- St. Genevieve
- St. Gerard
- St. Ignatius of Loyola
- St. James
- St. Jerome
- St. Joan of Arc
- St. John Bosco
- St. John Neumann
- St. John the Apostle
- St. John the Baptist
- St. Joseph
- St. Juan Diego
- St. Kateri Tekakwitha
- St. Lucy
- St. Luke
- St. Margaret of Scotland
- St. Maria Goretti
- St. Mark the Evangelist
- St. Martin De Porres
- St. Mary
- St. Mary Magdalene
- St. Matthew
- St. Maximilian Kolbe
- St. Monica
- St. Nicholas
- St. Patrick
- St. Paul
- St. Peter
- St. Peter Claver
- St. Philip Neri
- St. Philomena
- St. Pope John Paul II
- St. Rita
- St. Robert Bellarmine
- St. Rose of Lima
- St. Scholastica
- St. Sebastian
- St. Stephen
- St. Teresa of Avila
- St. Teresa of Calcutta
- St. Therese of Lisieux
- St. Thomas Aquinas
- St. Thomas More
- St. Thomas the Apostle
- St. Valentine
- St. Veronica
- St. Vincent de Paul
- St. Wilfrid
Seven Sacraments
- The Seven Sacraments
- The Sacrament of Baptism
- The Sacrament of Penance
- The Sacrament of Eucharist
- The Sacrament of Confirmation
- The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick
- The Sacrament of Holy Orders
- The Sacrament of Matrimony
- My First Holy Communion
- I Made My First Reconciliation
Ten Commandments
- The Ten Commandments
- 1st Commandment - I am the Lord your God: you shall not have strange Gods before me.
- 2nd Commandment - You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.
- 3rd Commandment - Remember to keep holy the Lord's day.
- 4th Commandment - Honor your father and your mother.
- 5th Commandment - You shall not kill.
- 6th Commandment - You shall not commit adultery.
- 7th Commandment - You shall not steal.
- 8th Commandment - You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
- 9th Commandment - You shall not covet your neighbor's wife.
- 10th Commandment - You shall not covet your neighbor's goods.
Corporal Works of Mercy
- Feed the hungry
- Give drink to the thirsty
- Shelter the homeless
- Visit the sick
- Visit the imprisoned
- Bury the dead
- Clothe the naked
Spiritual Works of Mercy
- Pray for the living and the dead
- Instruct the ignorant
- Forgive others willingly
- Counsel the doubtful
- Comfort the sorrowful
- Bear wrongs patiently
- Admonish the sinner
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